1. Description: A Bronze medal, 1 3/8 inches in diameter,with a top view of the globe enclosed at sides and bottom by a wreath and the letters"UN" at the top of the medal. On the reverse side is the inscription "INTHE SERVICE OF PEACE". The United Nations Service Medal Korea is the same design,except the obverse does not include the letters "UN" and the medal has a hangerbar with the inscription "KOREA". On the reverse side of the United NationsService Medal Korea is the inscription "FOR SERVICE IN DEFENCE OF THE PRINCIPLES OFTHE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS".
2. Ribbons: Although the same medal is used for all theUnited Nations Medals, a different ribbon is authorized for each operation. The operationsin which United States military personnel were awarded the medal and authorized by DOD toaccept the medal are:
United Nations Service Medal Korea: Equal stripes of Bluebird 67117and White 67101 (9 Bluebird and 8 White stripes), each 5/64 inch wide.
United Nations Observation Group in Lebanon
United Nations Truce Supervisory Organization (UNTSO) in Palestine(UNTSORibbon). 7/32 inch Bluebird, 3/32 inch White, ¾ inch Bluebird; 3/32 inch White; and 7/32inch Bluebird.
United Nations Observer Group in India and Pakistan. The ribbon hasa 3/16-inch stripe of Bluebird on each side followed by a 1/64 inch White with a31/32-inch center stripe with shades of Green (Myrtle 67190, Emerald 67128 and Bottle67191).
United Nations Security Forces, Hollandia (United Nations TemporaryExecutive Authority and the UN Security Force in West New Guinea). The ribbon isBluebird with 1/8 inch stripes each in the center of Myrtle Green (dark), White, andMosstone Green 67127 (light).
United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). 11/32inch Myrtle Green; 1/16 inch Ultramarine Blue 67118; 5/32 inch Bluebird; 1/16 inch BurntOrange 67149; 1/8 inch White; 1/16 inch Burnt Orange; 5/32 inch Bluebird, 1/16 inchUltramarine Blue; and 11/32 inch Myrtle Green.
United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia (UNAMIC). The ribbon is5/16 inch Bluebird, 5/32 inch Scarlet 67111; 1/32 inch Air Force Yellow; 5/32 inchUltramarine Blue; 1/16 White; 5/32 inch Ultramarine Blue; 1/32 inch Air Force Yellow; 5/32inch Scarlet; and 5/16 inch Bluebird.
United Nations Operations in Somalia (to include US Quick ReactionForce Members). The ribbon is 3/8 inch Jasmine 67143; 3/32 inch Irish Green 67189;7/16 inch Bluebird; 3/32 inch Irish Green; and 3/8 inch Jasmine.
United Nations Protection Force in Yugoslavia (UNPROFOR). Theribbon is 1/8 inch Bluebird; ¼ inch Mosstone Green; 1/8 inch Bluebird; 1/32 inch White;5/16 inch Scarlet; 1/32 inch White; 1/8 inch Bluebird; ¼ inch Brown 67136; and 1/8 inchBluebird.
United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).The ribbon is 3/16 inch Bluebird; 1 inch Chamois; and 3/16 inch Bluebird.
United Nations Iraq/Kuwait Observation Group (UNIKOM). The ribbonis 19/32 inch Jasmine; 3/16 inch Bluebird; and 19/32 inch Jasmine.
United Nations Mission in Haiti (UNMIH). The ribbon is 5/16 inchBluebird; 1/16 inch White; 5/16 inch Scarlet; 5/16 inch Ultramarine Blue; 1/32 inch White;and 5/16 inch Bluebird.
United Nations Mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina (UNMIBH). DOD has notissued instructions authorizing wear of this UN ribbon. The ribbon is 9/32 inch ProphetGreen 67187; 1/4 inch Cannes Blue 67171; 5/16 inch White; 1/4 inch Cannes Blue; and 9/32inch Apple Red 67153.
3. Wear Policy. Prior to 13 October 1995, all US Militarypersonnel wore the blue and white United Nations Ribbon (UNTSO) regardless of the ribbonawarded. On 13 October 1995, the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)approved a change to the wear policy of the United Nations Medal. Effective on that date,personnel who are awarded the United Nations Medal may wear the first medal and ribbon forwhich they qualify. Subsequent awards of the United Nations Medal for service in adifferent mission will be denoted by a bronze service star. Not more than one ribbon maybe worn at any time.
Information courtesy of U.S. Army Institute of Heraldry